SKID ROW - THE DOX FOR [-ROBOZONE-] WERE TYPED IN BY SCOOTER. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NEW YORK 2067. From the very start of the industrial revolution back in the 18th century,mankind had been slowly killing the planet. With the 1 hand he has exhausted all of mother natures natural resources and with the other he has repaid her by saturating the atmosphere with dirt and pollutants. As mankind stumbled into the polluted wake of the 21st century,the worlds greatest brains began to reliase that unless something was done immediately,life on earth would soon become an out of date concept. The ultimate decision came from the highest corridors of power on the planet-only those `chosen few` from each of the major population centres of the world would be saved, living a self conaine life on secretly built city ships far out to sea. Those left behind would have to fend foe themselves in the mountains and the hills, away from the decaying cities. their reasoning was logical but without human compassion:was it not better that a selected few survive and re-build,than none at all. They estimated that the pollution that hung over the cities would hopefully disappear given a decade or 2 so the order was given to construct Wolverine,large robots programmed to patrol deserted cities and keep them intact for the eventual return. At first, crime was rampant and Wolverine was faced with the conflict of programming. Their prime objective was to protect the city for the return of the Chosen few, but the biggest danger to the city came from the criminal elements who still lived in it. their most basic robotic law prevented them from directly or indirectly harming human life,yet they were unable to perform their prime directive without breaking this law.As a result, many of the wolverine were destroyed by the humans who were increasingly bitter against anything that represented the authorities who had abandonded them. Only a few short months after the golden voyage, a war had begun,unfortunately, a 3rd side was about to enter the fray... THE COMING OF THE SCAVENGERS. ----------------------------- They cane from nowhere, at first their purpose was not clear. the huge insect like robots indulged in an orgy of destruction, tearing apart anything that stood in their way. most of the people who had decided to stay in the cities fled as soon as the Scavengers appeared,but a few opted to stay and live like rats in the ruins. After a few mnths of intense activity,the Scavengers purpose became clear. an enormous area around what used to be central park was completely leveled by them, and in its place was built a huge domed building(the furnace). The Scavengers sent out raiding parties to Scavenge metal and other alloys they could get their pincers on, and and they then returned their bounty to the building were it was recycled and used for either the manufacture of more Scavengers or for another `secret` purpose... Naturally the lat of the Wolverine had to protect the city from these dark invaders, but their weaponary was`nt designed for full scale combat.slowly but surely,the Wolverine became more and more depleted until only 1 remained... The last remaining Wolverine has brocken his programming,but at a cost his in built libary computer known as ORACLE has been damaged beyond repair. His ability to defend himself has also been severly reduced. what little instrumentation he has that is working indicates that far from pollution levels falling, pollution is increasing at an alarming rate!!. all of the available data suggests that the major source of the new pollution emantes from the mysterious building that the Scavengers have built in central park. If the pollution level continues to increase,Wolverine will soon be unable to fuction.His only course of action is to somehow repair his systems and destroy the building before its too always things are`nt quite that straight forward... CONTROLS ON THE AMIGA AND ATARI ST -ROBOZONE- IS CONTROLLED BY JOYSTICK ONLY. ADDITIONAL KEYS ARE... P.......PAUSE ESC.....QUIT S.......SOUND EFFECTS ON/OFF (SELECT ON CREDITS SCREEN ONLY) M.......MUSIC ON/OFF (SAME AS SOUND EFFECTS..CREDIT SCREEN ONLY) ON IBM AND 100% COMPATIBLE MACHINES... ON THE PC/COMPATIBLES -ROBOZONE- CAN BE PLAYED WITH JOYSTICK OR BY KEYBOARD. THE FOLLOWING KEYS ARE AVAILABLE: Q...........UP A...........DOWN O...........LEFT P...........RIGHT SPACE.......FIRE H...........PAUSE CTRL AND Q..QUIT TO DOS 9AM ON A NEW YORK SUBWAY The area surrounding the furnace has been completely sealed off. Wolverines only chance is to try and find a way through the disused new york subway system which will hopefully lead him into the remains of the streets of the big apple. HOLES ----- the next part of this was a description of the know what i mean..holes in the floor..wolverine can jump through them to reach lower levels, he can also jump back up by positioning himself beneath them,crouching down then leaping up in one movement. pushing left or right once in the air will ensure that wolverine pulls himself up to the left or right of the hole. PICK UP ------- scattered through out the subway are enormous components from other less fortunate wolverine robots. wolverine can collect and use these by crouching down and picking them up *the components will give Wolverine extra weaponary* and energy boosts. CURRENT ENERGY -------------- Wolverine starts the game with maximum energy levels. if he is it by Scavenger fire or he collides with a scavenger or drops from a great height then his energy level will decrease.Energy can beboosted by collecting energy pick ups. SCORE ----- the current score is shown at the top,slightly centre of the screen,when you complete a level,it will be carried over to the next level of the game. CURRENT WEAPON AND AMMO COUNTER ------------------------------- Wolverine is equipped with a basic gun which allows controlled bursts of fire until 999 bullets have been released. he then reloads with another 999. POLLUTION LEVEL --------------- the longer Wolverine takes to complete each level, the higher the pollution level will become. once the level reaches maximum, Wolverine will collapse and the game will end. The pollution level is carried over from 1 level to the next, so it is very important that each level is mapped so Wolverine can complete thm in the minimum time.(pollution level is shown on a gauge bottom left of the picture) LEVEL 2..THE STREETS OF NEW YORK Wolverine has successfully negotiated his way through the subway tunnels and now faces the streets of New York. If he is to reach the scavengers furnace then he needs to re-build his Oracle computer, the source of all his knowledge. hidden in the streets are the Oracle components that Wolverine requires. Atthe start of a level he does`nt know how many components,collecting them and getting them there are or even what they do. Only by being fitted will this information become available. CONTROL ------- push forward on your joystick to move Wolverine forward,pull back for a few seconds to make Wolverine face in the opposite direction. Whenever Wolverine wals up to a crossroads, he can walk left or right into the roads. the view will then switch to show Wolverine facing in his new direction. to aid in mapping, note the city backgroundschange depending on which direction Wolverine is facing. When firing at an enemy, Wolverine can change the elevation of his fire power, simply press forward and hold down fire and then pull back to raise the elevation or push foward to lower the elevation of the shots. to collect pick ups in the streets simply move Wolverine over the item. THE SCIENTIST ------------- when the chosen few were selected for the Golden Voyage, one eminent robotic engineer was ommitted from the list. he did not agree with the vetting system of excluding those not deemed worthy of saving and so he eventually fell of favour. for months he worked on the design of the Wolverine, thinking that they were to be used in the restoration of the cities and their transformation into cleaner and safer enviroments. he was kept in the dark about the elitist city ships until after the Wolverine designs were completed, then they were re-programmed to follow the new directives. Wolverine must locate the scientist and seek out his help. His 1st priority should be the communications circuit,which will enable him to establish contact with the scientist known only as `tank`,unless wolverine gets this circuit, tank will probaly attack him as if he were an enemy. Apart from the Oracle components, there are many extra weapons available to Wolverine throughout the level.once again,the pollution level indicator will rise the longer you take to complete the game. Not all of the weapons that Wolverine can collect will function correctly as many of them are the remains of previously destroyed Wolverines and are not necessary reliable. LEVEL 3 OUT OF THE FIRE AND INTO THE FURNACE Wolverine has regained the oracle and is now ready to enter the furnace and destroy it,before the pollution gets too high. With the aid of his rocket boosters,now back and functioning normally, Wolverine is able to penetrate the outer defences of the furnace. Half constructed Scavengers wake,detecting Wolverines presence as he flies by.New scavenger robots and previously unseen flying craft swoop down to attack,desperate to destroy the intruder before he reaches the heart of the furnace. There are many extra pick ups that Wolverine can use inside the furnace.Extra weapons are available,and energy can be restored if Wolverine can survive long enough. The very heart of the furnace forms the belly of an enormous furnace guardian.(also known as the protector) who is heavily armed and very dangerous. if the wolverine can destroy him, then he will not only stop the source of pollution be he will permantly terminate the manufacture of new scavengers. and thats yer lot.....................typed in by scooter - 31/10/91 -